Pupil Voice at Holy Rood RC High School
Pupil Voice is very important in Holy Rood as it allows us to hear the views of the most important people in school, our pupils! We regularly consult the views of pupils through various formats including our Pupil Council forum and pupil focus groups. Our Pupil Council consists of elected representatives from S1-S6 with our School Captains and Vice-Captain(s) also attending. Pupils can nominate themselves to be a part of the Pupil Council annually with a year group election taking place thereafter. Every Tutor Group will also have a class representative whose role is to link with the Pupil Council members providing agenda items and feedback following meetings. Our Pupil Council meets 6 times in the school year. Feedback from meetings is provided during Tutor Time and year group assemblies – this normally consists of issues impacting our school community and improvement priorities.
Our Pupil Voice focus groups take place during our Sharing the Learning Experience platform in school – this is normally in November and May in the school calendar. The purpose of these focus groups is to gather views on the lived learning experience of the pupils in Holy Rood and we use the How Good is our School document to support the structure of the focus group. Pupils are consulted on Learning, Teaching and Assessment as well as Wider Achievement opportunities, Skills and other areas related to the curriculum. Focus groups can take the form of full-year group surveys or smaller, more discussion based formats.