Contact Us

Reporting Pupil Absence

We are very grateful for your support in ensuring that your child arrives to school on time and attends all lessons. Pupils should not miss school unless it is absolutely necessary.

The preferred option to report an absence is to send a text message to the following number:

0786 002 9664

Please give details of the pupils name, year group & reason for absence. If you wish to speak to a member of staff about your child’s absence, please call the school’s absence line:

0131 661 5871

Contact a Year Head

If you have a specific query regarding your child’s pastoral support, you may email their Year Head directly using the link below:

(Please include your child’s name and Tutor Group)

If you are concerned about your child or just wish some information, please contact your child’s Year Head or any member of the Senior Leadership Team. You may phone, write or e-mail.

Whilst you are very welcome to visit the school, please arrange an appointment in advance to avoid disappointment as staff commitments may mean they are unavailable to meet with you.

Contact a Curriculum Leader

If you are concerned about your child or just wish some information, please contact your child’s Curriculum Leader.

Whilst you are very welcome to visit the school, please arrange an appointment in advance to avoid disappointment as staff commitments may mean they are unavailable to meet with you.

If you have a specific query regarding your child’s academic progress in a subject area, you may email their Curriculum Leader using the link below:

(Please include your child’s name, Year Group and class teacher)

Holy Rood RC High School
Duddingston Road West
EH15 3ST

0131 661 5871