School Uniform & Clothing Grants
At Holy Rood RC High School, we take pride in our school and expect our pupils to share that pride by wearing our school uniform. In this way, we show that the school is a place of work, that we are a community with a common purpose, that our community has high standards. We want these facts to be visible to visitors, to employers and to the community at large.
Parents are asked to co-operate with the school in encouraging the wearing of the school uniform.
Our Uniform

Our smart and simple uniform consists of:
- White shirt or blouse
- School tie
- Black trousers or skirt
- Plain black jumper or cardigan
- Blazer for 5th and 6th year pupils
- Black shoes
There is also a practical and economical physical education kit:
- Top with school badge
- Shorts or sports leggings
- Training shoes
We have been greatly encouraged by the positive attitude of parents and pupils to the wearing of school uniform in recent years. It is clear that the vast majority of parents support the wearing of uniform and pupils are happy to identify with their school.
School ties can be bought from the school office throughout the year. The PE kit will be on sale from PE staff during the first week of term. Wearing school uniform contributes to a positive school ethos, helps avoid discrimination and reduces peer pressure to wear expensive designer clothing.
Please help us by ensuring that pupils do not bring valuable or expensive items of clothing to school.
If you have any queries regarding the school dress code please contact the school office.
Clothing Grants
Most families who receive Housing Benefit or Council Tax Reduction receive school grants automatically if they meet the full criteria.
Families that don’t receive an automatic award can apply for school grants for the 2023-24 academic year.
Please note that paper applications are no longer accepted.