SAAS Application Support

SAAS are answering queries via social media every day from 3-4pm. If students want any help with their SAAS applications, this might be a helpful way for them to get in touch.  SAAS are on Twitter and Facebook, and they also have their contact details listed on...

SQA Statement, April 2020

Please open or download the link below for the SQA Statement. SQA Statement (Left click to open, right/Ctrl click to download)

Free School Meal Payments

FSM school closure payment: The payment will be £22.50 per child per fortnight and will cover the last two weeks of term and the two-week Easter break. It will be made directly into the bank account your School Clothing Grant was made. Left click to open, Right/Ctrl...

Head Teacher’s Update March 25, 2020

Please read the files below, they offer an update to Parents and Carers as well as ‘Hints and Tips’ for home (online) Learning Left click to open, or Right/CTRL click to download the files Update for Parents and Carers Hints and tips for Home...