Art & Design at Holy Rood RC High School
Art and Design plays an important part in everyones’ life. The course is practical and experiential and the key focus is creativity. The course combines developing knowledge and understanding of artists and designers and their work, with practical experiences in both expressive and design contexts.
The pupils will develop an understanding of the factors that influence and inspire an artisits work. They will also consider how artists use materials, techniques and/or technology in their work. pupils will research and develop their personal thoughts and ideas in 2D and/or 3D formats in response to given stimuli. Pupils will produce observational drawings and develop thier expressive ideas and compositions.
In Art & Design, pupils are developing their expressive skills, media handling and developing thier knowledge of the design process. As a department we aim to develop student creativity, confidence and their ability to self-reflect. We focus on creating confident individuals, successful learners, responsible citizens and effective contributors by putting learners at the centre of everything we do.
Mrs S Howgego – Curriculum Leader
Mr C Nugent
Miss P Swanney
Miss C Friel
Miss L Davidson
Key Skills Developed
As well as being a fun course the following skills are developed:
Enterprise – Identify opportunities and using them to improve.
Team work – Working with others during collaborative learning tasks.
Problem Solving – Working with a client and finding design solutions that meet a desig brief.
Learn and Adapt – Learning new topics / concepts and adapting to different environments.
Subjects & Levels Offered
Art & Design
National courses reflect the Curriculum for Excellence values, purposes and principles. They offer flexibility, provide more time for learning, more focus on skills and applying learning, and scope for personalisation and choice.
National 4 pupils will experiment with using art and design materials, techniques and/or technology in creative and expressive ways. They will develop their critical thinking skills as they develop and produce thier own creative work and develop their understanding of art and design practice. Pupils will plan, develop, produce and present creative art & design work.
Art & Design
National courses reflect the Curriculum for Excellence values, purposes and principles. They offer flexibility, provide more time for learning, more focus on skills and applying learning, and scope for personalisation and choice.
National 5 pupils will develop knowledge of art and design practice by studying artists and designers and their work. They also develop an understanding of expressive and design processes and accumulate and use a selection of related skills. There are lots of opportunities of pupils to be inspired and be creatively challenged through their work.
Art & Design
National courses reflect the Curriculum for Excellence values, purposes and principles. They offer flexibility, provide more time for learning, more focus on skills and applying learning, and scope for personalisation and choice.
At the higher level, pupils will produce analytical drawings and investigative studies in response to stimuli, pupils will use visual elements expressively and progressively refine a variety of personal and creative idea for art and design work. Throughout their work, pupils will explore the impact of social, cultural and other influences on the work and practice of artists and designers.
Advanced Higher
Art & Design
National courses reflect the Curriculum for Excellence values, purposes and principles. They offer flexibility, provide more time for learning, more focus on skills and applying learning, and scope for personalisation and choice.
During their advanced study of art and design, pupils will develop independance, flexibility and resiliance when approaching creative tasks, draw on their understanding of expressive art when developing and resolving their ideas and art work. Pupils will be encouraged to reach informed decisions and manage their own learning and broaden their understanding of visual culture.
Career Opportunities
Art & Design provides a platform for personal growth that can assist pupils in successful pathways for both further education and the world of work.
Pupils develops transferable skills, such as team working and problem solving which are desired by many different educational and professional settings.
If you wish to continue working in the expressive arts industry, then art & design can provide pathways into being an artist, graphic designer, fashion designer, costume designer, architect, visual effects, illustrator, art critic or curator, art & design teacher.